Our Music Heals Program has been instrumental in bringing hope, joy and healing to children facing medical challenges as a part of their journey to wellness throughout Texas. We partner with Hospitals such as Children’s Health to provide funding, resources, instruments and connect them with artists to help equip their music therapy programs.
We are thrilled to announce our strategic partnership with Children’s Health Hospital to raise $125,000 for music therapy programs.
Success in our initiative will help us launch a Music Therapy Pilot Program that has the potential to become a blueprint for all other Music Therapy programs.
“Many times lack of funding is the only obstacle standing in the way of launching a research study…The implications of these projects can significantly impact how children are treated, not just at Children’s Health but across the nation and around the world.”
-Children’s Medical Center Foundation

Our music heals program is for disadvantaged children who need inspiration to succeed in life; music is the perfect medium. Our program provides instruments, features seminars, hands on training and live performance opportunities at world class venues. These events are life changing experiences for all involved.
In December 2012 and 2013, TMP produced a talent showcase at both the House of Blues and Majestic Theater in Dallas, Texas to benefit 1800 children and families of fallen soldiers (Snowball Express). The model for this music therapy program has also extended to the Texas Children Hospital Houston, Dell Children Medical Austin, Christus Children’s Hospital San Antonio, Hermann Memorial Children’s Houston, Cooks Children’s Ft. Worth and Medical Children’s Hospital in Dallas and Plano.